"... die kleur en geur is altyd konstant en die vis gaan mal oor die MAGIC" |
Antonio Rex - Donaldson Dam bottom lake ( Okotober 2015 )
4-9 October 2015
Donaldson Dam (bottom lake)
Swim 5
We started fishing on the 4th of October around 11:00. I dropped about 3kg of inferno, white wizard and black widow boilies. After that all I done really was a "mouse trap". Everything was quiet till Tuesday then the fish became active. I got my first run around 5:30 that morning, but I lost it. The grass is very bad this time of year there. On Wednesday I landed my first fish 10.18 kg ( my new pb) around 5:30 aswell. We took fresh lines in on Wednesday around 5pm and on Thursday around 5:30 am I landed a second one weighing in at 8.2kg. I landed two fish for the week but I lost a total of five fish, it was my first time using the flatline range and it was truly amazing to hold such a nice fish. I fished with three rods, on each rod I had one of each of the boilies. But most of the runs came from the inferno boilies.
Thank you magic baits for such a wonderful product, really loving it